Feb 05, 2010 02:16
[Do-n-dooooo nothing to see here, just a prettyboy Herald-Mage getting buffet food from bear chefs. You do not see the double portions. No, really, he's not sneaking any of this food to his boyfriend who is hiding from everyone for a few days.
now here's a dumb idea,
remy whitecastle,
subtle ain't he?
Dec 20, 2009 23:50
[The sound cuts in with a cough and a muttered curse- there's two voices overlaid, one sleepily murmuring in the background]
...damn thing....A little warning that it does that might be nice- No, go back to sleep. I'll take care of it.
I suppose I'm expected to keep in touch, then? There are more polite ways to ask, Captain.
stupid friggin thing,
remy whitecastle,
yay warm beds!,